CzechBioImaging reaguje na pandemii SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19

In connection with the SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 pandemic spread, Czech-BioImaging (National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging), as the Czech national node to the Euro-BioImaging (European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences) pan-European network, offers:

  • No fees for Covid-19 relevant scientific projects selected for implementation within the ongoing call for the Czech-BioImaging Open Access support (July 2020 – June 2021). The current call also aims to help solve any scientific aspect connected with Covid-19. Scientifically relevant projects, which need imaging methods, will be given a prioritised access to Czech-BioImaging facilities with no fees attached. Deadline for submitting applications is 30th April 2020. More information and the application rules can be found at Czech-BioImaging website.
  • For open access, priority is given to projects addressing Covid-19 issues. More information as well as application form may be found at dedicated Czech-BioImaging web page.

Czech-BioImaging is a distributed research infrastructure of imaging institutions in the Czech Republic. It provides open access to a wide spectrum of imaging technologies and methodologies, allowing for the extraction of completely new scientific data, especially in cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, parasitology, tumour biology, neurosciences, developmental biology, and pathology. Czech Republic has been a founding Member of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC.

CzechBioImaging – National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging
