The call for proposals for ICRI 2022 Satellite and Side events is now open

The International Conference on Research Infrastructures ICRI 2022, which will take place in Brno between 19th and 21st October, will offer not only the main programme in the form of plenary and parallel sessions, but also an accompanying programme. To this end, the organisers have issued a call for proposals for these side events, the so-called Side and Satellite events.

The purpose of the Side and Satellite events is to reach out to a broader group of stakeholders and actively engage them in the discussion on topics related to research infrastructures to share their visions and plans. While the Satellite events are reserved for two days before the formal start of the conference, are not bound by the venue, and count on the activity of typically Czech nodes of international research infrastructures, the Side events will take place on the days of the conference in Brno. Those interested in organising Side events will thus have the opportunity to be assisted by the conference organising team.

There is also a difference in the number of events – while Side events are limited to a maximum of twelve slots, Satellite events are not limited in this respect. „The intention is not to choose a few best applications but to coordinate multiple events that will be organised by various research infrastructures. If the event proposal meets the qualitative and formal requirements, the interested parties can organize their event under the ICRI 2022 brand,“ says Zuzana Vémolová, who is also the contact person for the organizers. „Interested parties have a free hand in choosing the topics of one or the other type of event, but we would like to appeal to them to relate to the topics of research infrastructures.“

The application form for the Side and Satellite events must be filled in on the ICRI 2022 website, where the relevant guidelines can also be found. The call is open until 31st March.
