Register for ICRI 2022!

Registration for those interested in attending ICRI 2022 is now open. Although the in-person conference is invitation-only, do not hesitate to enjoy the whole experience online!

Following the publication of the conference programme, the registration for ICRI 2022 is now open. Due to a 450 person capacity limit and the goal of geographical diversity for in-person participants, the ICRI 2022 onsite attendance is invitation only. Nevertheless, the hybrid conference format will allow unlimited online participation with the conference application.

Online participant registration and conference app

The application will be made available in the days leading up to the conference and will be used as a platform for viewing (all of the sessions will be streamed), asking questions in real-time and networking with other ICRI 2022 participants, present onsite and online alike. As the app will be the primary source of information during the conference, it will enable you to browse all the poster sessions and get the latest ICRI news. The invitation phase will run until 31 July. If you do not receive an invitation after this date or you can not commit to joining us personally in Brno, you can still enjoy the whole ICRI 2022 experience in the virtual environment.

Follow this link, and you will be redirected to the ICRI 2022 microsite, where you can complete your registration.

And if you have not received the invitation but you are eager to attend personally in Brno, do not hesitate to let us know. Please send us a brief e-mail explaining your motivation to attend to with your full name, institution and affiliation. We will handle those spontaneous applications individually and let you know in time.

Registering for Side and Satellite events

ICRI 2022 includes a number of Side and Satellite events, some already in September and not just in Brno. Most of them allow online and onsite participation, so browse through them in the Programme section or head right to the organiser´s dedicated website. ICRI 2022 team does not organise Side and Satellite events but provides support to their organisers. Since attending or participating in those events is not conditional on attendance at the conference itself, in case you are interested, feel free to register.

For registration to Side events simply go to the ICRI 2022 microsite.

For registration to Satellite events, follow the instructions or contacts as given in the Satellite events programme.

Please note that onsite participation on Side and Satellite events is limited, and that their organisers decide on the participation.

For more information on ICRI 2022, please follow the ICRI 2022 website, Twitter or LinkedIn, using hashtag #icri2022.
