The PbWO4 detectors, 32 GADAST modules and the detector platform are already in Darmstadt

In the first half of this year, the Czech team of the FAIR-CZ-OPII project achieved several successful implementations in the form of in-kind contributions to the emerging FAIR international accelerator laboratory in Darmstadt, Germany. The FAIR-CZ-OPII project is a continuation of the Czech participation in the construction of this laboratory, divided into several scientific pillars.

For the EXPERT (EXotic Particle Emission and Radioactivity by Tracking) experiment, which is part of the Super-FRS Experiments (S-FRS) collaboration within the NuSTAR scientific pillar, it was successfully developed, tested and installed by part of the team from the University of Silesia in Opava in-kind contribution in the form of 32 detector modules for the GADAST (GAmma-ray Detectors Around Secondary Target) cluster. The modules were supplied by a branch of NUVIA a.s. company from Kralupy nad Vltavou.

Part of the team from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, in cooperation with the Microtron Laboratory from the NPI of the CAS, delivered a pilot series of unique detectors based on PbWO4 crystals, manufactured in CRYTUR Turnov company. In the period 2022-2023, they delivered the last 52 pieces, a total of 323 pieces of crystals were delivered.


In June, the Czech team installed a special seismically resistant detector platform in the CBM experimental hall. The platform was designed by a team of staff from the NPI of the CAS in close cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague. The weight of the platform itself is about 40 tons and it has to bear a load of more than a one hundred tons due to the detectors and devices that will be located on the platform. The platform was produced by CVŘ (Centrum výzkumu Řež) company.

Detector platform inside CBM hall
