Social sciences and humanities make an important contribution to our understanding the historical, social, economic, political and cultural aspects of life in the Czech Republic and provide expertise used in the processes of integrating the Czech Republic into international structures within the EU and in the global perspective. Knowledge of cultural heritage, traditions, values and national identity largely contributes to the social cohesion of Czech society and its various social groups as well as to mutual understanding between the Czech and foreign societies. This promotes their cooperation and helps to alleviate social conflicts.
Social sciences- and humanities-based research focuses on topical themes as well as long-term trends in sectors such as demographic development, migration, social inequalities, ethnic and other kinds of disparities, gender inequalities, education, social security systems, economic development, job creation, health and quality of life, regional development and others, and creates a platform for evidence-based policies. The facilities included in the 2019 update to the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2016-2022 cover all of these areas.