RICH-2 webinar: Transnational Access to Life Sciences Infrastructures

RICH-2 European Network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020 invites you to take part in a webinar concerning access to research infrastructures capacities in the field of life sciences.

The “Transnational Access” mechanism ensures free of charge access to the best European research infrastructures. Apart from the cost of research itself, travel, accommodation and subsistence costs may be reimbursed by the projects budget.

These opportunities are open to all European researchers and to some extent to researchers from non-EU countries.

On 6th of March, 13:00 CET, only 1 hour.

Get detailed information concerning open calls, presented by the research infrastructures themselves. Enhance your chances for a sponsored research visit by having the needed information for your application.

This time speaking:

  • INFRAVEC2, Research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes -2 (tbc)
  • TRANSVAC2, European Network of Vaccine Research and Development
  • ERINHA, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents
  • EDIReX, EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts

Registration page and agenda


Naděžda Witzanyová

CZ NCP for large research infrastructures