Project Dynamics of Change in Czech Society in context of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

During new data sampling wave of the project Change in Czech Society, the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among respondents was tested and their life during this difficult time was inquired. Aside from usual socio-economic and attitudinal data, this unique survey consists of biomarkers from blood samples and information about sleep and sleep patterns. The previous four waves are available for download within Czech social science data archive (CSDA).

Five years ongoing research obtains a new component. Last year, two thousands blood samples were collected from the respondents of the Change in Czech Society and biochemical analysis was conducted based on them. The result is a set of biomarkers thanks to which it is possible to identify the level of cholesterol, glucose, inflammatory parameters, cortisol and other within the Czech population. The aim is to compare socio-economic position of respondents and their physical health.

Pandemic SARS-CoV-2 opened a new possibility to test the respondent for antibodies. Thanks to the financial support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, it was possible for the project to join the national epidemiological research efforts. Epidemiological research, whose contracting authority was the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, was initiated by the research of the scientists from the Oxford University. In the middle of March based on the mathematical modelling, they claimed more than 60% of the British population was already infected (based on the assumption most of the infected suffer from mild symptoms or none).

The result is the immunity rate against covid-19 is very low (only units of percentage of the population) and they correspond to similar research efforts in Germany and Austria with the difference that the mentioned countries have more infected per capita. The virus, therefore, seems to spread very slow, in contrary to the Oxford research.

Apart from the information considering the antibodies, the respondents were also asked about their behaviour during pandemic and attitudes towards spreading the disease. This data will be connected with the biomarkers which will help to identify risk groups and create tools to mitigate pandemic.

Change in Czech Society is a unique project not only regarding the number of involved households, but also the range of topics.

Authors: Jan Klusáček and Michaela Kudrnáčová, Czech social science data archive
