
Name: National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging

Institution: National Research Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging

Coordinator: prof. RNDr. Pavel Hozák, DrSc.,


Innovative imaging technologies allow us to study hidden biological processes in cells, tissues, and whole organisms thanks to technological development. Imaging has become one of the most crucial elements of research in biological and medical fields. Czech-BioImaging was designed as a distributed large research infrastructure of imaging institutions in the Czech Republic. It provides open access to a wide spectrum of imaging technologies and methodologies allowing for the extraction of completely new scientific data, especially in cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, parasitology, tumour biology, neurosciences, developmental biology, and pathology. It also increases the qualifications of researchers and students in this field through educational programs. Czech-Bioimaging reacts to imaging needs on many levels – from the imaging of organisms, their tissues, and cells to the imaging of cellular organelles, transport, biomolecules and their interactions in health and disease. Czech-BioImaging offers access to a wide range of imaging technologies, such as advanced light and fluorescence microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, electron microscopy, correlative light and electron microscopy, sample preparation, imaging in neurosciences, magnetic resonance, magnetic particle imaging, and imaging data analysis. Czech-BioImaging also performs its own methodological research and development, particularly in the field of the implementation of new imaging methods (multimodal holographic microscopes, new detection systems of multiple markers, new applications for magnetic particle imaging, stereological methods, image processing, analysis methods, and 3D reconstruction including custom software development). Czech-BioImaging provides its users with cutting-edge instruments and methodologies for biomedical imaging and it contributes to the development of biomedical sciences through its publication, educational, and methodological activities. Czech-BioImaging represents a Czech national node within the European research infrastructure for biological and medical imaging, Euro-BioImaging (European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences). Moreover, the Czech Republic will also become a founding Member State of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC consortium.
