Name: Czech National Node to the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine

Institution:Palacký University Olomouc

Coordinator: doc. MUDr. Marián Hajdúch, Ph.D.,


EATRIS-CZ is one of the largest distributed research infrastructures in the Czech Republic and incorporates the most important centres of biomedical research in the Czech Republic. EATRIS-CZ provides cutting-edge research infrastructure and expertise along the entire translational value chain. Through 5 interrelated product platforms, EATRIS-CZ enables the development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics to reach “the first-in-human application” and clinical “proof-of-concept” verification. EATRIS-CZ provides capacities for multidisciplinary research and development in key technologies (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, high-capacity testing, complete drug development, molecular imaging and radiopharmaceuticals, early phase clinical trials and regulatory expertise). EATRIS-CZ also offers a wide range of its services, patient cohorts, interactions with key experts in research, industrial development and regulation. The EATRIS-CZ network also includes accredited centres with the possibility of producing and testing products in good manufacturing practice (GMP) and good laboratory practice (GLP), or within ISO certification guidelines. EATRIS-CZ outcomes have led to a number of national and international projects, scientific publications, patents, clinical trials, the development of software tools and databases for clinical and preclinical data management, cooperation with industrial partners and the development of specialized molecular diagnostics that allows for the practical implementation of personalized medicine in the Czech Republic. In the upcoming period of operation, EATRIS-CZ expects to consolidate and integrate the network of centres in order to support cooperation with their clients, to develop open access to their capacity and expertise and to support cooperation on common pilot projects. EATRIS-CZ is a Czech national node embedded in the consortium of EATRIS ERIC (European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure). EATRIS-CZ actively cooperates with other research infrastructures within both the Czech and international landscapes. Namely, collaboration with INFRAFRONTIER (European Research Infrastructure for Phenotyping, Archiving and Distribution of Model Mammalian Genomes) and EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology) European research infrastructures is being actively developed in the field of the identification/validation of new molecular targets and the development of innovative therapies. Similarly, collaboration with the BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanks and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Consortium) and ECRIN-ERIC (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) European research infrastructures is being established for discovery and validation projects in the field of biomarkers, rare diseases and advanced clinical testing.
