Large research infrastructures provide unique environment for research and science.
Current seminars and conferences:
Courses IT4Innovations – February 2018
Intel Xeon Phi programming
When: Thursday February 22, 2018, 9.30am – Friday February 23, 2018, 4.30pm
Where: campus VŠB-TUO in Ostrava-Poruba, IT4Innovations building, room 207
30 participants. The event is provided free of charge.
Courses IT4Innovations – March 2018
Invitation to the course Parallel I/O & Libraries
When: Thursday March 22, 2018, 9.30am – Friday March 23, 2018, 5.00pm
Where: campus VŠB-TUO in Ostrava-Poruba, IT4Innovations building, room 207
30 participants. The event is provided free of charge.