ACTRIS-CZ – website

Participation of the Czech Republic

Hosting institution: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

Partner institutions:

Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ is focused on the background level of air quality issues in the Czech Republic and in Central Europe. The potential of ACTRIS-CZ is formed by National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice and by research and operating supplement of institutes implementing their research and monitoring activities. ACTRIS-CZ represents a Czech national node of the pan-European research infrastructure ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure) and moreover, its capacity is integrated into the pan-European research infrastructure ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System). Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ comprises unique research infrastructure focused on the long-term background monitoring and research of physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere including long-range transport. Actually the Czech Republic is one of the first European countries, where the ACTRIS and ICOS activities are coordinated at the same site. Moreover, partner institutions of ACTRIS-CZ are included in a wide range of other pan-European and global networks.

Future development

Further development of ACTRIS-CZ is planned in line with the long-term goals of pan-European infrastructure ACTRIS. A significant enhancement is planned in research of the surface-atmosphere exchanges of aerosols. Attention will be paid to the monitoring and research on the aerosol optical properties having influence on climate issues. The long-term development of aerosol measurements within 10 years will continue with on-line monitoring and chemical analysis of aerosol source tracers and precursors of secondary aerosols.

Socio-economic impact

ACTRIS-CZ contributes to the integration of knowledge potential in air quality research, which leads to better using by strategic decision-making and support of technologies focused on the protection of climate and human health. The data from ACTRIS-CZ has been repeatedly used for development of the utility models of new sampling devices. This research can be also translated into more practical applications as improvement of the weather forecast models, especially in extreme events (floods, storms, etc.). The data is also used in the research connected to renewable energies (solar, wind power). The measurements of air pollutants at the 230 m height may provide important data for a warning system regarding long range transport of background pollution. Meteorological measurements at the tall tower serve also the steel construction sector, especially in the area of dynamics and statics of tall slender constructions. In case of new lidar acquisition in the future it may serve as a basis of a warning system for air traffic in cases like Eyafjalajökul eruption in 2010.
