Name: R&D Centre for Low-Cost Plasma and Nanotechnology Surface Modifications
Institution: Masaryk University
Coordinator: prof. RNDr. Mirko Černák, CSc.;
CEPLANT laboratories are equipped with modern scientific instruments which are commercially available, but there are some customised plasma technologies developed to test and optimise the different plasma surface treatment approaches of materials according to the user specifications. CEPLANT users are able to carry out research and modelling of fundamental plasma processes and their advanced diagnostics at an international level under one roof. CEPLANT also participates in the teaching and guiding of Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students, and involves them in their R&I career. CEPLANT is engaged in international networks and associations of research organisations and innovative companies active in the field of plasma technology and cooperates, e.g., with INPLAS (Network of Competence Industrial Plasma Surface Technology), BalticNet-PlasmaTec, or the Graphene Council.
The key feature of CEPLANT is to carry out R&I of unique advanced materials and environmental production processes in engineering, energy, sustainable agriculture and biomedicine. CEPLANT is active in developing advanced plasma technologies potentially applicable in the textile, polymer, glass, paper, wood and food industry. In cooperation with various companies, CEPLANT develops plasma technologies for the environmental cleaning of material surfaces, advanced materials for printed electronics, photovoltaics and wide-scale green energy applications (e.g., manufacturing of graphene materials prepared by the unique plasma-triggered reduction of graphene oxide), plasma sources for biomedicine and agriculture, and the deposition of functional coatings for engineering. Long-term cooperation with companies has already resulted in the inclusion of CEPLANT among European KET centres (Technology Centres in the field of Key Enabling Technologies) that cooperate with small and medium-sized enterprises across the EU. CEPLANT is implementing international projects with small and medium-sized enterprises and due to its close links to the business sector, can flexibly respond to the needs and requirements of industry
CEPLANT is based on the long-standing tradition of top basic and applied research in the field of plasma nanosurface science with a focus on plasma-enabled scalable nanofabrication. Its activities have already resulted in several industrial applications with eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions for preparing new advanced materials and the surface treatment of traditional materials. R&I in this area help address current socioeconomic challenges and environmental issues, such as environmental protection and the reduction of the use of chemicals. The uniqueness of CEPLANT lies in the broad focus of its scope. The scientific and technological scope of CEPLANT extends along the entire innovation chain, from basic research through applied research with business institutions to the transfer of plasma technology for industrial applications.
Societal and economic impacts