
Name: Research Infrastructure for Fermilab Experiments

Institute: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Coordinator: Dr Jaroslav Zálešák; zalesak@fzu.cz


FERMILAB-CZ is devoted to cooperating with Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), the U.S. national laboratory, the primary concern of which is the research of elementary particles. The core of the present Fermilab research programme is neutrino experiments, including the NOvA and DUNE experiments. European laboratories, including CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), are actively involved in these neutrino experiments through strategic collaborations. Main knowledge and expertise of FERMILAB-CZ lies is the detector laboratory, which is engaged in the design and construction of detectors, and the mathematical expert group, which is involved in the development and application of advanced statistical and deep machine-learning artificial intelligence algorithms for data analysis. FERMILAB-CZ also contributes to research activities with its significant computing resources in the field of the distributed processing of experimental data and simulations, and participates in the development of software for data acquisition, operation and control, using the most recent international standards. The FERMILAB-CZ expert group covers a community of around 12,000 researchers who work together to develop detectors, electronics and data analysis methods which are used across many areas of human activity. Through deep involvement in the construction and operation of experiments, FERMILAB-CZ enables Czech researchers to participate in unique physics research. Both Czech scientists and all individual members and research groups of the supported experiments use and benefit from FERMILAB-CZ open access services free of charge.
