Name: Système de Production d’Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne – participation of the Czech Republic

Institution: Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Coordinator: Mgr. Jaromír Mrázek, Ph.D.; mrazek@ujf.cas.cz


SPIRAL2-CZ facilitates the participation of Czechia in SPIRAL2 (Systčme de Production d’Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne), which is being built as part of an important upgrade to the existing GANIL (Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds) in Caen, France. SPIRAL2 is being constructed for basic and interdisciplinary research and research linked to applications. Intense ion and neutron beams and related equipment will enable researchers to study nuclear physics topics, including nucleosynthesis astrophysical scenarios, search for superheavy nuclei, study the activation of construction and target materials by charged particles, and explore changes in materials exposed to neutron fields (for nuclear fission and fusion facilities). Intense ion beams will be used for the investigation of radioisotopes with medical potential, of the energy dependence of nuclear reactions and techniques for the production of new therapeutics and theranostics. In the first stage of the SPIRAL2 project, technologies for irradiation by intense ion beams and measurements taken of short-lived products are available (vacuum/ pneumatic system for activation, transport and measurement developed in the Czech Republic). The data are necessary for the modelling, design and decommissioning of construction and target materials of future nuclear energy facilities. The technology and equipment at SPIRAL2 will allow for previously unfeasible experimental tests. The state-of-art Super Separator Spectrometer (S3) will open a new region of radioactive and superheavy nuclei to research. Due to the combination of stable, radioactive and neutron beams, GANIL/SPIRAL2 will continue to be among the most important laboratories in nuclear physics of low and middle energies in Europe and worldwide.
