Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic

The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic is a strategy document of the Czech Republic, which presents the policy-making approach of the Czech Republic to the large research infrastructures. In the international context, the Roadmap is equivalent to the Roadmap of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), being the Czech contribution to the landscape of research infrastructures constructed and operated in Europe and worldwide. For the very 1st time, the MEYS prepared the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic in 2010, followed by the updates in 2011, 2015 and 2019. The latest edition of the Roadmap, updated in 2024 , introduces the strategy of large research infrastructures´ funding in 2023-2026. The future update of the Roadmap is scheduled for 2027, when the new multiannual financial framework 2027-2030 for the support of large research infrastructures from public funds of the Czech Republic will be launched.

ELIXIR-CZ – Czech National Infrastructure for Biological Data

Contents of the Roadmap

The Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic introduces the readers to the genesis of the development of the agenda of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic since 2009. Afterwards, it summarizes the typology of large research infrastructures, internationalisation and international cooperation thereof, including the involvement of the Czech Republic in legal entities ERIC. Particular attention is paid to the description of the methodology framework for the evaluation of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic, which has been carried out by the MEYS on the international peer-review basis since 2014. The core part of the Roadmap consists of the presentation of 43 large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic, which are operated in the 6 scientific fields listed below. Beyond their basic characteristics, the Roadmap puts the individual facilities into the large research infrastructures´ landscape and creates a map of unique research infrastructure capacities that are operated in the Czech Republic or participated by the Czech Republic and located abroad and made available to users on the open access policy basis.

CzechNanoLab – CEITEC Nano

Roadmap archive

The latest update of the Roadmap of Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic for the years 2023-2026 was acknowledged by the Czech Government on 14th June 2023. The Roadmap update was prepared following the resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic on public funding of large research infrastructures by 2026. Until 2015, besides the large research infrastructures approved for public funding by the Czech Government, the Roadmap included also the prospective large research infrastructures´ projects. Since 2015, the Roadmap has included only the large research infrastructures adopted for public funding by the Government of the Czech Republic. As regards the financial support of such large research infrastructures, while their operations costs are funded directly by the MEYS . The investment needs of large research infrastructures are then financed by the Ministry of Education and Science using European Structural and Investment Funds, currently from the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK). In this way, the Czech Republic applies a synergic model of funding of the operations and investments costs of large research infrastructures, using the state budget expenditures of the Czech Republic on research, development and innovation and the EU cohesion policy instruments.

  • 1st edition – 2010 (CZ / EN)
  • 2nd edition – 2011 (CZ / EN)
  • 3rd edition – 2015 (CZ / EN)
  • 4th edition – 2019 (CZ / EN)
  • 5th editon – 2023 (EN), update 2024 (EN)

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